In the News: Jane Brody of the NYT writes about the Feldenkrais Method

Those of us who have felt the benefit of Feldenkrais often feel frustrated when trying to share our experience with others. That is because Feldenkrais is hard to describe!

We are fortunate to now have on our side Jane Brody of the New York Times. Since 1976 Jane has been the personal health columnist for The Times. On Monday, October 30, 2017 she shared in her column her delight in trying Feldenkrais for the first time. Looking for help for her own recurrent back pain, and on the recommendation of Cathryn Jakobson Ramin, author of Crooked, Jane went to the Feldenkrais Institute of New York and had two sessions. It really worked for her. She wrote that afterwards she felt so comfortable and light it was like walking on air.

Here is the link:

Jane Brody of the NYT writes about Feldenkrais